
Meaning of corporate logo



         图片1.pngis an abstract form of a mountain formed by granite deposits. Hard, firm, thick, yu shows that the enterprise has first-class quality and core competitiveness! Mountain high artificial peak, a symbol of indomitable spirit, pioneering and enterprising character. The overall logo design highlights the corporate characteristics of rock-hard quality, both Chinese characteristics and rich sense of The Times.

The logo adopts blue as the keynote, indicating that the enterprise has a broad space for development! Entrepreneurs although difficult to start, but with lofty perseverance and verve!


The company vision


Focus on providing high-quality products and services for high-end customers, and strive to build the company into a first-class supplier of special materials!


Business philosophy


Careful service, focus on quality!


The company mission


While creating value for customers and society, let the quality of life and happiness index of employees improve synchronously, be respected and needed in the team, and maximize the value of life!